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an Integral Enneagram of Consciousness; a model of consciousness,
including all aspects, for designing practical paths of personal
development and evolution.
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may seem a bit out there to those who haven’t thought about it, but
almost every bit of conflict and dissatisfaction comes down to one
single deep root. Our psyches have this Egoic Prime Directive –
Differentiation. There are of course myriad motivations that sit on
top of this directive, from the desire for personal autonomy to creating
a “story of self,” but the core issue is the same.
Like many other things we feel either consciously or unconsciously, the
problems arise with what we do with those feelings. For example,
anger in itself can be either a negative explosion of violence, or a
positive motivation for taking action. So what happens with this “need”
to differentiate?
The basic narrative underneath is simply, “I am this, and you are
that.” If we think about this for a minute, it’s pretty obvious. We
have this outline or boundary around us called skin. It prevents us from
accidentally merging atomically with the sidewalk – or other creatures.
We can see instantly that each of us is a differentiated being. So why
do we feel the need to accentuate and articulate “I am this and you
are that” by pointing out all the obvious differences?

It probably goes back to prehistoric times, when rather than personal
differentiation, it was more about “are you in my tribe,” which
would denote safety. That might have been some form of recognition;
either facial or some kind of trappings, like feathers or clothing.
On this basic level, we started establishing a safe/not safe “program”
that over a million years, became ingrained in our Hippocampus. The more
different you looked, the higher the possibility of threat. This is so
deeply ingrained that our modern Neocortex has to do an override, as
this threat model is completely obsolete. There’s no longer a reliable
The more we actually think about it – using that big Neocortex we
developed – the more this concept of making you “other” becomes

(thank you to Associated British Picture Corp. 1967)
At first glance we can see each other as being distinct, separate
beings. There’s no need to make proclamations of “I am this and you
are that.” Once again, it’s obvious. Where things go really south is
when we start ascribing narratives to support the proclamation. This is
especially true when trying to “elevate ourselves,” with that
differentiation. Now the “I am this and you are that” takes on a
completely unnecessary rationale. Beyond the obvious outlines around us,
we add “you are that because…” and focus on all kinds of
differences from physical to modern tribal separations.
Every prejudice arises from this superfluous differentiation. Skin
color, height, gender, and age are easily seen at first glance. We don’t
need to proclaim them or divide ourselves up this way. Nor do we need to
proclaim differentiations in beliefs. This will come up in normal
Every leaf of a tree looks a bit different and is attached to a
different stem, yet they’re all just leaves of the same tree. Every wave
looks a bit different, yet they’re part of the same ocean.
The false “elevation” concept is the negative side of proclaiming
differentiation. No leaf is superior to another leaf. No wave is
superior to another wave. We can accept the obvious, and move forward
from there. What marvelous things might we think about and feel,
transcending this ancient, vestigial wiring?

Imagine learning about and respecting one another without preconceived
biases or prejudices. Rather than the assumptions and projections
filling in the voids of understanding, we could communicate with one
another. We could genuinely understand one another in a deeper and more
authentic way. The need for belonging could be fulfilled by belonging to
a much larger group: the Human Race. Continuing this evolution of
consciousness, the “we” would grow as the “them” shrinks. We might even,
some day, see that we are threads in the fabric of the Universe itself.
No more silly “isms” to divide us.
Want to learn more about how to become the best you possible?
How your communication can hold you back or catapult you forward?
Come visit the
web site,
or better yet,
contact me and
see how we can design a program to fit your needs and desired outcomes.
- Ian J. Blei
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how Conscious
Communication results in success, and how you can
achieve yours. Enjoy!

The Optimizer
Ian Blei,
Director of the
Institute for Integral Enneagram
President of
Optimized Results
Kind Ambition
Kind Ambition:
Practical Steps
to Achieve Success
Without Losing Your Soul
Kind Ambition
Fan Page on
Kind Ambition
about you having the tools to slide over to the driver’s seat of your
own life. Circumstances will always be changing, seemingly
thwarting our plans, but we don’t have to be thrown around by them. You
can be in charge of your choices and actions more than you might imagine
- yet.
Kind Ambition
is written for you, as
a practical guide you can use right now. It is a collection of
insights and actions designed to help you move forward and get more out
of your life at home and at work. The chapters hold to a formula
of first giving you a new way to look at things, then offering you
tangible Action Steps to try them out, and finally some things to notice
when you do.
Kind words for “Kind Ambition”
"If you are interested in success, whether it is in
running a large organization, a small business, or leading a satisfying
life, you will find a right blend of rules, wisdom and wit in a
digestible fashion that will serve to accomplish your objectives. The
notion that kindness can be blended with ambition and made to work and
serve the "bottom line" is enlightening, uplifting and satisfying."
-Steven Kiefel – CEO, Red Pill Media
“An easy to use guide for anyone who wants to achieve
real growth and success. His sensible and practical tactics solve
age-old challenges with real, how-to solutions. Best of all, Ian lives
his work!”
-Romanus Wolter - Author: Kick Start Your
Dream Business
Success Coach Columnist: Entrepreneur Magazine
Radio Host: Syndicated Kick Start Guy Segment
" We all face obstacles in our lives and careers. Some of
these come from within, subverting our conscious intentions. The good
news is: they can be overcome. The techniques and processes found
in this book will help you on your way."
-Margaret Heffernan – Author: The Naked Truth: A Working Woman's
Manifesto on Business and What Really Matters
Syndicated Columnist: Fast
Company Magazine
scientifically-based, spiritually-awake, (and smart and funny) guide to
making the most of your life. Ian Blei provides the know-how, the
inspiration, the structure and all the tools you need in this
straightforward and inspirational book.”
-Lisa Betts-LaCroix, Past President of SF Coaches
of Unapix film, “Dance Me Outside”
" Ian Blei shares his deep insights in simple and
straightforward ways. His work continues to inspire me whenever I
feel I'm getting stuck in some area of my life."
-Roy King, III
Director Pacific